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laboratory Equipment Manufacturer Accumax India is a pioneer in the manufacturing and supplying world class lab equipments for the scientific testing laboratories. Being a leader in the scientific and research industries we provide an array of scientific instruments for the research and developmental process which include Laboratory Oven, Humidity Chamber, Autoclave e.t.c. | |
Endurance Softwares Endurance Softwares is one of the best Web Design and Development Company in India Which fulfil all requirement of the clients in the best way. | |
Central Lab - Blood Testing | Thyroid Testing | Cancer testing | Diabetes Testing Central lab is a premier specialty lab operating from Richmond Circle located in Bangalore. We perform blood tests for thyroid,cancer,diabetes,metabolism and so on since 2000.We got the best medical laboratory and diagnostic centre in Bangalore for preventive health check up. We avail single-window-service even for samples that we don’t have facility to test in-house and will outsource and follow-up as well on your behalf.We get quicker service as the samples get tested locally and are easy to contact anytime. | |
ZKTeco uFace800 Price In bd uFace800 facial multi-biometric time & attendance and access control terminal supports up to 3,000 face templates, 4,000 fingerprint templates and 10,000 cards.With ZKTeco latest hardware platfrom and algorithm, it offers brand new UI and user-friendly operation interface to provide smooth user experience.With advanced face algorithm and multi-biometric verification technology, the terminal’s security level of verification is significantly enhanced | |
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